16th Sunday of Year A: Cycle 1( 2017)


Today, it’s all about internal peace and solidarity with others – the smallest seed becomes the greatest and it is also a shelter to other birds. Jesus’ analogy is perfect. At our baptism, this seed is planted in our hearts, minds and bodies. It is “watered” and cared for, by receiving the other sacraments – Eucharist, Penance, Confirmation etc. As we become more matured and responsible members of the Church, we are called to become the persons of love, discipline and responsibility – not only for ourselves but for others. This helps us to be aware and conscious of our needs and that of our neighbours. In stretching our hands to the neighbour, we become the solid support upon which he/she depends, in times of trouble or difficulties. Whether we give an encouraging word, a silent presence to a friend or a prayer on his behalf, we are in solidarity with others.

25th Sunday of Year B 2015

25th Sunday of Year B

Jesus continues his teaching from Last Sunday.  What does it mean to be a Christian in our pluralistic world – a world of various beliefs and spiritualities? He gives the answer through a story about a child. Today he emphasizes humility. The Christian is not one of pride and conceit. He/she is not about domination or making a victory walk that says, “I have conquered in the name of the Lord.”  No! This is not the true sign of the Christian. It is about service and dialoguing with those of different beliefs. Jesus teaches these values with the example of a child. To be a member of his kingdom is to be like little children – eager to learn, inquisitive, humble, kind and compassion. It is through these child-like qualities, we will get to know Jesus and eventually discover the infinite love of the heavenly Father.