“Daily Ressurrections” .”..the cross, the symbol of fortitude and resistance to negativity…”

The cross very significant,
For on it the Saviour was crucified,
Is only part of the easter celebration,
His passion, death and resurrection is the totality,
The is no ressurrection,
Without the cross,
And there is no cross without the resurrection,
They are always together, incompatible.
Just as a rose so beautiful,
The stem…prickles…..
Jesus’ pachal experience is very significant to humanity,
For it gives to us an image,
that helps us to deal with our own crosses and resurrections,
It helps us to be real and authentique,
Evrery time I overcome a problem,
Or I find a solution is a moment of resurrection in my life,
If I cannot experience the resurrection here on earth with humans,
Then how can I experience it in heaven.
Every time I go through a struggle I know it must come to an end,
For Jesus did overcome through the resurrection,
And it was not done on the same day he died,
Three days after he died,
He resurrected,
This means that I too will for some time experience pain here on earth,
This is part of the human condition,
And Jesus was human like you and I,
But I know suffering has to come to an end at some point,
Suffering does not have the final answer,
The final answer is the overcoming of suffering!
Love, pecae, justice,
Negativity has already being conquered on the cross,
We just have to manifest it in our daily tasks,
The cross to me is the object of perseverance, continuity in faith and undying love for humanity.
So when you see me with this simple cross,
This is another way it helps me.

"Daily Ressurrections" ."..the cross, the symbol of fortitude and resistance to negativity…"

The cross very significant,
For on it the Saviour was crucified,
Is only part of the easter celebration,
His passion, death and resurrection is the totality,
The is no resurrection,
Without the cross,
And there is no cross without the resurrection,
They are always together, incompatible.
Just as a rose so beautiful,
The stem…prickles…..
Jesus’ paschal experience is very significant to humanity,
For it gives to us an image,
that helps us to deal with our own crosses and resurrections,
It helps us to be real and authentic,
every time I overcome a problem,
Or I find a solution is a moment of resurrection in my life,
If I cannot experience the resurrection here on earth with humans,
Then how can I experience it in heaven.
Every time I go through a struggle I know it must come to an end,
For Jesus did overcome through the resurrection,
And it was not done on the same day he died,
Three days after he died,
He resurrected,
This means that I too will for some time experience pain here on earth,
This is part of the human condition,
And Jesus was human like you and I,
But I know suffering has to come to an end at some point,
Suffering does not have the final answer,
The final answer is the overcoming of suffering!
Love, peace, justice,
Negativity has already being conquered on the cross,
We just have to manifest it in our daily tasks,
The cross to me is the object of perseverance, continuity in faith and undying love for humanity.